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Writer's pictureChava Dagan

Festival Give Away!!

Shavua Tov!

Welcome to a new week and the last five days of the A Return To.... Hanukkah Festival ..

For this week, I'm opening up a Give-Away for A Year in the Garden Calendar and Day Planner.

Two winners of these sold out English calendar and Hebrew day planner.

What you have to do to enter:

Respond to this email by sharing what you have already implemented in your life to help prepare for the future and become more self sufficient? How did you go about doing this and what was challenging or successful along the way?

Whether it's lessons you've learned from this festival or from other sources. We want to support each other by sharing what we've done, how we went about doing it, and how it's changed our life/perspective/ self-sufficiency.

A few examples: going off-grid, healthy practices to your day, investing in alternative currencies, seed collecting, planting a garden, investing in a water purification system, planting a garden, preparing a First Aid kit, moving out of the city, making connections to create community,, collecting dry and/or canned goods, preparing back up energy source, researching related topics, becoming familiar with a few local herbs, moving to homeschooling, beginning daily prayer/meditation or some sort of mindfulness practice, challenged yourself in some way to push past your comfort zone..........

Please note that I will be sharing these (anonymously) to bring about action, inspiration and confidence. We need to share, feel empowered and above all to know that we are not alone. We are being called to shine our light even brighter than before.

We are returning to.........

to ourselves,

to our power,

to our spirit,

to our independence,

to our sovereignty ,

to our health,

to love

to earth

to nature

to freedom

to intuition

to common sense and

to community

Reply to this email or to @nettlesandpinschat by the end of the festival , December 18

The entrants will have their name added to a bowl and we will choose two winners on the last day of the A Return To... Hanukkah Festival. An email will be sent out announcing the winners and the steps taken by the entrants who have implemented change in their lives

Make sure to add the email where we can contact you to get your mailing address.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you for your participation...

Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holldays!



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