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Preparing the Home Terrain, Part 2

Updated: Apr 8, 2021


The second place to fortify is our home terrain. Our home is our castle. We must defend it and use it to protect our family. It is the one place in the whole world where our children can feel safe from threats from the outside world.

We can prepare our body's terrain with help by preparing our home terrain. Healthy food, reducing toxins in the home environment, storing water and food, being a step ahead for disaster preparedness all help to defend our way of life, our health and our lives. When our foundation is strong, we are able to reach out and help others . We can pull each other out of this when we each work together and each take a part of the responsibility.


Food scarcity is real and coming closer everyday. We want to make sure we are as independent as we can be when it comes to providing food for our families. One way to do this is to start a garden. This can be done on a small plot, in pots on a balcony, on a rooftop, a community garden or whatever is available to you. (see my blog Seeds for the Future for more information and ideas). Vegetables, fruits, berries, sprouts, herbs, mushrooms and more can grown pretty much anywhere . With a little creativity and dedication, we can grow a large part of our food and share/trade with others for what they have. Saving kitchen scraps to start a compost pile to feed your garden is another way to keep the soil healthy and the plants happy and productive. It helps save on water use for the garden and provides necessary vitamins and minerals to the plants. Just like people, when the plants are healthy, they can fight off disease and pests and there is no need for pesticide use.

Toxic chemicals

We can find toxins everywhere: air, food, water, pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, perfumes, pesticides, fungicides, chemtrails, radiation etc. We literally can't avoid it in the current world we live in. But we can reduce the exposure to them at home. We can make our home a refuge to all that's happening every where else. Use non-toxic, homemade cleaners, soaps, dish soaps, laundry soap, cosmetics, perfumes etc. Avoid using pesticides, air fresheners, fungicides , scented candles, new clothes with chemicals sprayed on them, masks treated with dangerous chemicals, vaccinations and synthetic colors, dyes and food coloring. Try to keep food as natural, simple and homemade as possible. Packaged food has many chemicals with known and unknown connections to poor health.


We can't see it but it is all pervasive. Radiation affects us on many levels, including energy, fertility, brain function and more. Effects can be fatigue, cancer, brain fog and disease in many forms. Our home should be protected from wi-fi, wireless, bluetooth etc. All these have cumulative effects and multiply over time. We all have varying amounts of heavy metals stored in our bodies , these cause our bodies to act as antennas with the radiation from wi-fi, cell phone towers, devices at home etc.

There are many ways to help create a radiation free zone at home. One is to turn off all devices at night. This provides better sleep and allows our body to rejuvenate unhindered . We are electrical beings and if we can sleep without dirty electricity disrupting our own functions it can help provide better health . Phones can be turned off or put on airplane mode. Avoid wi-fi, wireless, bluetooth as much as possible during the day, but at night it should be turned off throughout the entire house.

There is house paint, clothes, material for sheets and window curtains etc and other forms of protection against radiation. But mostly the protection needs to come from within. If we can rid our bodies daily of heavy metals, we won't be so reactive to the radiation. Cilantro, iodine (seaweed) , spirulina, barley grass juice powder, asparagus, and other means pull the heavy metals from their deeply deposited stores in our brain and other organs , and wash them out of the body. Over time we begin to feel better and radiation will not have such a strong effect on us. The less exposure to radiation we have, the better . The more we actively seek to remove it from our homes and our bodies, the better chances we have to stay healthy.


Water is life . It is what sustains us. It is also under attack. Chemicals such as flouride, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, pesticides, and other toxins are making their way into our water. A reliable water filter is important to take out as much of the poisons as possible. When we add lemon juice to water it transforms it to a living water that can be used by our body . In the case of reverse osmosis, you can add a rock filter to add back in minerals . There are different filters available, but it is important to choose one that will remove these chemicals. Also spring water is a good choice, if you have that option available to you and when we add lemon juice to water it transforms it to a living water that can be used by our body Do the research and find the right filter for your family.

Once you have a filter, it is a good idea to begin storing filtered water for drinking in case the water supply is cut for whatever reason. I save glass bottles from Shabbat grape juice every week and fill them up with reverse osmosis water. They are stored in a dark room to keep them cool and clean. This will cover us for emergency drinking water.

As for water for other uses, we have a pool/mikve (see my blog My Mikve) that can be used for washing clothes, dishes, sprinkling the garden, and bathing if and when needed. You can find a large tub or other container that can be used for water storage, but it should be made to circulate either by manually stirring it or with a small pump so that it won't become swampy. Salt can take the place of chlorine. We can also use these as a source for mikve use , as well as a local spring or similar.

Build Community

If we find ourselves within a neighborhood or community that is not supportive or helpful with being prepared, it can feel like we are fighting an uphill battle alone. If we can build a community with at least a few other families who are planting gardens and collecting seeds , it makes life much easier. We can barter, share ideas and expertise and protect each other when we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation. We have each other's back, there is someone to call for help and projects can get done with more people to lend a hand. This can be done where you live by creating contacts with neighbors or, as many people are doing, creating intentional communities and moving there together. Moving out of cities has become a trend as more and more people no longer feel safe in controlled crowded areas. This might take a lot of planning, but once you find the right choice for you, begin the preparations immediately.

Make nature available

We might be put through more lockdowns or anything else that might come along. We need to have access to some form of nature available to us to keep us grounded. When we are locked inside our houses, we are depriving ourselves of much needed elements that nature provides for our well-being. Exposure to sunlight, starlight and moonlight , time in nature, contact with the earth, growing a small garden, time away from screens, letting your creativity come through, having a pet to care for, a tree to climb, and a spring or ocean to swim in. Even if it's only a short exposure or an inconsistent one, make sure that you make a list of things to do, places you can go or how to mimic the experience where you are.


When we think of preparation, storage is right up there on the top of the list. We must have a supply of many things stored and ready to use so that we are not left empty handed when the time comes. I have compiled a small list of things that we should always have on hand, but each family is different and you will undoubtably add to this list depending on your priorities.

1. Dry goods: beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, grains, flours, dried fruit, honey, grey salt, herbs/spices

2. Craft supplies: beeswax ,candles, wicks, jars, yarn, glue, material, paint, brushes, writing pens, pencils, tape, paper

3. Storable processed foods: grey salt, nut and seed butters, oils, baking soda, apple cider vinegar

4. First aid kit: salves, tinctures, dry herbs, bandage wraps, oils, bandaids, suture materials, jars, soap, alcohol, witch hazel, recipes and instructions

5. Sewing kit: needles, pins, thread, scissors, scrap material

6. Utilities: Batteries, pocket knife, flashlight, radio, walkie-talkies, tools, matches, a hidden safe

7. Reading materials: books, hobby magazines, instruction manuels

8. Seeds: vegetables, sprouting, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit, herbs

9. Water and food: canned, jarred, frozen, dried, pickled, labeled, air-tight containers, sealed bottles of coconut water

10. Save containers for reuse: glass jars, bottles , large and small with their tops, cardboard boxes ,

11. Fuel: wood, diesel, kerosene, propane, natural gas, batteries, oils/beeswax, generator, wind or solar panels

12. Supplements: Vit D, C, A, zinc, b12, essential oils, Ivermectin, hyroxychloroquine

13. Pet food

Alternative energy

We don't know when our power might be cut off, for what reason or for how long. It would be a good idea to have an alternative set up before hand. This could be in the form of a generator, solar panels or wind turbines, batteries or alternative fuel, or any contraption you can come up with at home to create an energy source. The important thing is that it can be used for emergency needs.

There was a recent storm in Texas that left thousands of people without phone service, water or electricity . The lessons we learned from that storm that caught everyone off guard, was that those with fuel powered generators were those that got through the storm and were able to help their neighbors. We don't expect a storm the likes of what Texas experienced here in Israel, but there are many reasons we might lose power and we don't want to be caught off guard or left with no power.

Alternative Communication

We are attached to our phones, computers and various devices for our daily activities. However, there are two sides to their technology. Spying, collecting and selling our private information without our permission has become part and parcel of using these devices. Ditching smart phones is becoming a growing trend. We need to be able to keep in touch, but we need to find balance and keep our personal information and messages away from sinister corporations. Using home phones and desktop computers, secure email and messaging, walkie-talkies,"dumb" phones and eye to eye meetings are going to be the only way to have any chance of keeping our privacy intact. Remember Morse Code and messenger pigeons? Maybe it's time we revisit them.................

Alternative Currency

The classic Fiat dollar is crashing. In just a matter of time, it will be worth nothing. Our next line of defense in surviving these next coming months and years will be to invest in alternative currencies. If you haven't done the deep dive into this, it's worth your time. There are still many options to have currency available at home rather than stored in a bank.

The banks are taking part, if not running the show, on making the dollar worthless, so it's a good idea to figure out how to distance ourselves from them. Crypto currency is one option that many are investing in. It is international and non-centralized and in some cases, untraceable.

Precious metals, such as silver and gold are good to have in physical form for use in conversion, payment or investment. Then there's always the old stand-by: bartering for services or goods. Using our skills or goods, such as vegetables grown in our garden that can be traded for other goods or services is something that was always done before the advent of money.

If enough people return to this, this new/old system can return to it's former glory. Think of your skills, expertise, talents, and available resources that can be used as payment or in return for other's work, art, food or goods. This creates independence from the banking/credit system as well as an overreaching government with implemented taxes, fines, and social scores.

The banks are in bed with high tech giants, pharmaceutical companies, billionaire corporations and governments that are out to create a slave system. Creating our own independent means of business, means we are free to work, buy, thrive and create connection and dignity among people. Derrick Broze, Foster Gamble, Catherine Austin-Fitts and Jeff Bertwick are just a few people who are helping to introduce this independent way of living.


We might be facing some very hard times ahead, so learning to live simply and keeping our spending to a minimum is a good practice to learn. Becoming as independent as possible is a great art to practice, then knowing your limits, your income, your needs and how to make it all work together is the next step. This is something that takes some getting used to, especially in our day and age, but we've really got no other choice at this point. Keeping our priorities focused on food and basic necessities is what we must keep in mind. What I've listed above is a good place to start.

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