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Nettles and Pins Natural First Aid Kit

Updated: Jun 11, 2021

Items and Instructions:

1. Comfrey Root Powder

For fractures, sprains, pulled tendons, broken bones.

Put a teaspoon of powder in a small bowl

Add enough water to make a paste, a teaspoon at a time. Mix to consistency. Apply to injured area. Leave it to dry or overnight. Rinse off, repeat if necessary . Do not use on an open wound

2. Natural Soap

Use to wash injuries. Rinse

3. Epsom Salts

Used in baths, foot/hand soaks, sitz baths. Pulls toxins, relaxes, adds minerals for absorption . Sprinkle into tub. Add lavender, chamomile Essential oils , etc if desired

4. Cayenne Pepper Powder

Helps upset stomach, gas or cramping. It improves circulation . Soothes toothaches, fever and seasickness. Add a pinch to herbal tea. Topically it can relieve sore muscles, cramping and headaches. Add a pinch to lotion or salve and apply to the effected area. Put a teaspoon of powder under tongue or in a glass of warm water in case of heart attack or stroke. It can stop the heart attack or stroke enough to get to the hospital

5. Rescue Remedy

Give 3 drops under the tongue or on top of the head (scalp) after any trauma including injuries, nightmares, shock, car accidents or terrorist acts.

Repeat if necessary a half hour later or when needed.

6. Black Drawing Salve

Apply generously to any area of bites or stings , such as scorpion, snake, bee, wasp or fire ant. Repeat if necessary. Wash off after at least 30 minutes. Warning: it is black, so be careful with clothes and furniture

7. Swedish Bitters Tincture

Helps in healing wounds, cysts, rashes, infections etc. Can also be used as an oral wash or gargle for infected teeth, gums or canker sores. Spit afterwards . Use externally because it is made with alcohol. Drop into wounds for disinfecting and healing . Can also mix a few drops with lotion or salve to apply to skin infections or inflamed areas

8. Healing Salve

All purpose . Chamomile and calendula , lavender and frankincense infused in olive, almond and sunflower oils. Use on wounds after they have scabbed over. Also use on skin to soothe rashes, sunburn and scrapes

9. Frankincense Lotion

For soothing dry, irritated or sunburned skin. Helps soften , heal and protect skin after a day at the beach or after a shower. It can also be used as a base for certain situations. Put a little in your palm and add an essential oil. For chest rubs add eucalyptus essential oil. For anti-bug lotion, add citronella . For itchy rashes , add lavender or chamomile, etc.

10. Iodine 2%

Disinfectant, water cleanser. Drop into a newly opened wound to clear any infection before it forms. Use 2-3 times a day until the wound or cut scabs over . Drop a few drops into water to disinfect it. Kills bacteria

11. InjureTea

-Can be used topically on wound or as a tea

Lemon verbena, yarrow, olive leaf, nettle, dandelion leaf, moringa, plantain, wild lettuce

Make tea using the included tea bag and a spoonful of InjureTea added to a tea pot. Add hot water (add honey, if desired) Let steep at least 5 minutes. Sip for the first day after the injury . After that, only if needed.

-Strengthens the immune system

-Cleanses the blood

-Offers pain relief

-Calms the nervous system

-Offers support to healing wounds


-This kit will last for as long as you need it. Please replace items as you finish them

-I packed the tea in a plastic bag for shipping and ease, but if you prefer to move it to a glass container, please do.

-Most of these remedies are used externally. InjureTea and cayenne powder can also be used as a tea when needed.

In addition, I have a bottle of vitamin C capsules available in my personal First Aid Kit. Taking a high dose after injury helps fight the infection and inflammation . Buy a brand you trust and keep the bottle in your first aid kit

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns

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